Devotions coincide with the current message series.  If you’d prefer to receive the devotions via email, click here.


It’s OK to Take a Nap!

Kindergarten is usually a win for most kids! Especially the first few weeks of it because the teachers/staff really WANT you to be successful. By week 3 of kindergarten, my parents and I had to attend a "called" parent/teacher conference. "Mr. ...

Musing Meditation– a Weekday Spiritual Guide

Finding the Right Place to Turn Around When I’m driving somewhere new and I miss my turn, I’ll drive miles and miles out of the way looking for the “perfect spot” where I can turn around. I think through lots of things: How easy will it be to ...
Are you filling up the relationships you are in or are you the cause of emptiness?

Are you filling up the relationships you are in or are you the cause of emptiness?

A huge part of Kathleen Edelman’s work “I Said This, You Heard That” focuses on “what makes us tick.” Our innate wiring causes us to act and react how we do once we understand the “why,” we can certainly learn to use our words ...
Exactly what is it you need from me?

Exactly what is it you need from me?

Have you ever been in an argument with a colleague, friend, or spouse/significant other and you find it is cyclical? Regardless of what you say or do, the argument continues and nothing seems to bring it to an end. Odds are, if that is ...
Do You Stop to Take a Breath

Do You Stop to Take a Breath

Do You Stop to Take a Breath? Awhile back, Dawn, Lindsay, Brad, and I had a dialogue about our temperaments' strengths and weaknesses. We were filming it to share some of our conversation with you during this Sunday’s message. It was ...
Musing Meditation | Darkness and Light | In light of the storming of the US Capitol

Musing Meditation | Darkness and Light | In light of the storming of the US Capitol

Darkness and Light “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Aristotle Yesterday I had various commitments that required my being in the car most of the day. So, I had no idea what was going on or had gone on in ...
Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Let’s just skip me.” | Series:

Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Let’s just skip me.” | Series:

"Let's just skip me." It was the morning prayer session of the Reynold's Leadership Academy for pastors. We were grouped together and had to pray for one another. We were supposed to give voice to the biggest struggles we were facing in ...
Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “The Immunity Necklace” | Series: “That is Not What I Said”

Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “The Immunity Necklace” | Series: “That is Not What I Said”

The Immunity Necklace They had an “immunity idol/necklace.” (Think back to the Survivor tv show). Each week members of the staff team would transfer the immunity necklace from office to office. They would hang it on one another’s bookshelves, ...
Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Strengths and Weaknesses”

Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Strengths and Weaknesses”

Strengths and Weaknesses That adage, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Well, that isn’t true. Words can hurt. Mainly because “they stick.” I’m sure if we are all honest with ourselves, we wrestle deep within ...
Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Last night we were able to see “The Christmas Star.” The “Great Conjunction” between Saturn and Jupiter. Some have suggested that these two planets might be a replica of the legendary Star of Bethlehem that prompted the Magi to begin their ...
Musing Meditation- “Strategy and Extravagance- Sometimes these things occur in manners we don’t understand.”

Musing Meditation- “Strategy and Extravagance- Sometimes these things occur in manners we don’t understand.”

It was Christmas after my first semester freshman year and my dad was so excited to give me this one particular gift. As he handed me my gifts under the tree he kept holding one back, explaining that it was special and he wanted me to open it ...
Musing Meditation- “Half Opened Packages”

Musing Meditation- “Half Opened Packages”

Back in the dark ages, Christmas gift bags weren't really "a thing." Most of the time gifts had to be wrapped in Christmas paper. I LOVED (and still do) Christmas! For many reasons, of course, but one is I do have a small affinity for ...



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