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Suffering in the Circumstances

Suffering in the Circumstances

Did you know that without some stress and opposition, complex life like ours would not have developed? Pathik Wadhwa, a studier of biological law and research states that stress and opposition turn out to be exactly what initiates our ...
Fear of Missing Out

Fear of Missing Out

Sometimes it is easy to be living in a perpetual state of FOMO, Fear of Missing Out (phrase coined by Rob Bell). We see all the parts and pieces of life that are going on around us and it seems that whatever and wherever we are just doesn’t ...
In Hot Pursuit

In Hot Pursuit

  If someone is in “hot pursuit” of someone or something, it means they are eagerly trying to get to whatever it is they are chasing. Or looking at it from the perspective of the one who is closely being followed, if someone is tracking ...
The difference between worry and wonder.

The difference between worry and wonder.

Seth Godin, famous author, leader, and entrepreneur wrote early in January about what it means to “wonder.” He writes, Wondering about your past, about what might have happened, about bad decisions made and roads not taken... this is a recipe ...
JOY: Writing Our Own Narratives

JOY: Writing Our Own Narratives

We all write our own narratives. Have you ever wondered why some people are able to experience extreme tragedy but they deal with it in such an amazing way? The tragedy and grief does not seem to define them? In The Book of Joy The Dalai Lama ...
Remembering the Wilderness and Our Current Day

Remembering the Wilderness and Our Current Day

This morning I saw a picture in my Facebook feed of a memory three years ago. It was a picture of the Wilderness in Israel. I had traveled to the Holy Land with fellow clergy and on that morning we ventured to the wilderness. Remembering ...
JOY: Not everything has to be “perfect”…

JOY: Not everything has to be “perfect”…

Joy. An emotion that evokes such a wide range of feelings. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with happy emotions, we shed tears of joy. Or, have you ever been in a situation where you are laughing and it isn’t just a short, situational laugh? ...
JOY: Free, Focus, Follow

JOY: Free, Focus, Follow

What does it mean to discover joy? So often we fall into the trap of thinking that in order to have joy we have to be happy all the time! But that is the antithesis of the spiritual meaning of joy. Archbishop Tutu remarks, “Discovering more ...
Joy: So – today is New Year’s Day!

Joy: So – today is New Year’s Day!

So – today is New Year’s Day! A day when many “resolve” to do something to better themselves and their lifestyles for the upcoming year. According to a common study, only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions. The ...
The Gift Paradox

The Gift Paradox

So . . . what really happened in the manger that night so many years ago? Interestingly enough, Mark and John do not mention the birth narrative. Neither does the Apostle Paul in all his writings. Matthew and Luke have different ...
It is the ultimate “Toxic Charity”

It is the ultimate “Toxic Charity”

Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of “Do You Hear What I Hear?” I heard comedian Tim Hawkins talk about the absurdity of the lyrics of that song and it started me thinking . . . . Check out this logic! That song perpetuates “Toxic ...
Let it Be

Let it Be

Instead of “why me” what if we try, “let it be.” A wise man once explained to me that there are no “good days” or “bad days.” There are just days. And in each day good and bad things happen. Some days will be more memorable than others, and ...



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