Devotions coincide with the current message series.  If you’d prefer to receive the devotions via email, click here.


Til You Can’t

This week at the Country Music Awards Cody Johnson won his first CMA for the music video, "Til You Can't." Perhaps it is so popular right now because of the message it carries. A message that can resonate with each of us. Even if you don't ...

Do no harm.

“This looks and sounds really, really familiar. And my stomach really hurts.” I found myself thinking that in one of our last Q & A sessions on Tuesday, Amy was visiting the 14 different delegations of the Southeastern Jurisdiction and ...

It’s an election year! Who are you voting for?

Gotcha! I really don’t want to know. And most likely you don’t want me to want to know because one thing the folks of West have appreciated over the years is that we “think and let think.” We expect and hope our politicians will be people of ...

Luck, Honor, and Privilege, it’s a mix of all three…

Last Sunday, following in-person worship, we had opportunities to "give back" by making the AMPED boxes and the college student care packages we send seasonally. Every time we have a missional opportunity, the staff has a bit of anxiety ...

Anything keeping you up at night?

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you decided to look beyond the imperfections." -Anonymous We will never find a time or space where everything in life is perfect. Yet, if we are mindful, we CAN find a time and space ...

A non-practicing spiritualistic Irish Catholic . . .

Earlier this week I was working on the message series for December (Advent/Christmas) and as part of that I was watching the funeral for Billy Graham. If you don’t know a ton about Billy Graham, he was an evangelist (someone who traveled ...

Do you find yourself waiting?

Waiting on the storm to come. Waiting on the storm to pass. We all find ourselves waiting on a storm at some point in our lives. Literally and metaphorically. Far too often, we spend our time worrying about or anticipating whatever storm is ...

Some things cannot be cancelled out!

Happy Friday! We are back safe and sound from Uganda. What a trip - to see how 9 young men (ranging in age from 22 - 27) are meeting new people every week and engaging them in building a community that invests in the community. "We want to be ...

Burning the candle at both ends . . .Greeting from the other side of the world!

How interesting, the timing of it all. Burnout. This is a message suggested by leadership, and the more we talk about it as a community, the more we realize it is so pertinent and relevant for where we are. Thursday, Dawn and I left for ...
Would you make a good contestant on “Naked and Afraid”?

Would you make a good contestant on “Naked and Afraid”?

You have to be able to start a fire. Naked and Afraid is a bizarre yet fascinating show. Each episode follows the lives of two survivalists who meet for the first time. Once they meet, they must become naked and survive a stay in the ...
Ever Feel Like…Throwing up your middle finger to the world?

Ever Feel Like…Throwing up your middle finger to the world?

Do you wake up ready to hit the ground running? Or . . . Do you wake up and think, “Oh my gosh, I certainly am not looking forward to today.” Recently, a colleague/friend said, “I just feel like throwing my middle finger to the world.” I ...

We can never be too old to change! And here is proof!

Anytime I travel, if I see a church, I’m always curious about what "kind” it is. What denomination (Baptist, Catholic, Non-Denominational, and of course – United Methodist)? I’m very much a geek in this way! Thursday and Friday of this week, I ...



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Lake Norman High 
186 Doolie Rd.
Mooresville, NC 28117