Devotions coincide with the current message series. If you’d prefer to receive the devotions via email, click here.
Day 2 Going Viral
It is inevitable that as we do life together, there are going to be times that we hurt one another.
Even if it is unintentional, none of us are perfect and relationships are difficult.
So we will have times that we end up hurting those we care ...
Sorry seems to be the hardest word!
Forgiveness is two fold.
It is what we offer to others when they wrong us.
It is also what we ask for when we wrong others.
We do this by saying "I'm sorry!"
Saying "I'm sorry is a big deal!"
Have you ever watched "Happy Days" with "The ...
What will it take to start a season of Going Viral?
Yesterday Dawn, Josh, and I had the opportunity to hear Seth Godin, one of the most influential communicators in the business world today, at a conferenced that focuses on leadership, communication, and technology. That’s what it advertised, ...
What Happens When We are Stuck?
Years ago there was a team from Williamson’s Chapel that had spent a week in the Deaf Village of Mandeville, Jamaica. We began our journey back by arriving at the airport bright and early at 6:00 am. People were happy, the week had been ...
Blunt truth and honesty.
Home is a place of honesty!
Think about it . . . in healthy families and friendships, we are honest with each other.
Sometimes brutally so . . . but if we can’t count on our families – those that are supposed
to love us unconditionally – to be ...
What is a home anyway?
What is it that makes a house a home?
Is it the time spent there?
If so – many of us in today’s world wouldn’t need homes because of the demands of
work. I often hear people share stories about being at home only long enough to eat a
quick ...
How long can we postpone the inevitable?
In October our washing machine decided it no longer wanted to work. It would “stop” mid-cycle and make this incessant beeping noise for about 30 seconds and then would just quit. If you messed with it long enough, it would ultimately start ...
Happy New Year!!!! Gutting a Fixer-Upper
When Hurricane Katrina hit, Williamson’s Chapel was ready to go be the hands and feel of Love in those ravaged areas. We began ongoing mission trips to help communities in Mississippi and Louisiana being rebuilding!
One of the things you ...
Self-pity is Addictive!
Sometimes it is easy to start feeling sorry for ourselves.
We feel as if life isn't fair . . . that things are happening to us in rapid successions that are life-suckers instead of life-givers.
We ask, "Why me?"
While these are normal things ...
Do you know any Debbie Downers?
Ever heard the adage "misery loves company?"
Well, sadly it is true! When one is commiserating, it is never difficult to find a partner.
"Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives ...
The Result of NOT Changing!
"I changed but he/she didn't."
Far too often those are the words uttered when people find themselves at impasses in their relationships. One changed, grew, and developed and the other one stayed the same.
Whether we like it or not - life is a ...
Are you really ok with change?
Are you GOOD with change or could you be stuck in a rut???
One of the things I hear my clergy friends share, although I'll confess, it doesn't really happen a lot at West (or that I am aware of, anyway), is that people SAY they want to change, ...
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