There is one who wasn’t paradoxical. . .

Truth is that which is associated with fact or reality.

An “absolute truth” is something that is true at all times and in all places.

It is a fact that cannot be changed and is true regardless of all circumstances.

An example of an “absolute truth” is there are no round squares.

People teach truths. Whether it is in an educational setting or simply in life, we are always learning and also teaching truth.

But let’s ponder a few questions about truth . . .

Would you be willing to be taught truth by . . .

  • Someone who openly admits to adultery but insists on teaching about the necessity of fidelity?
  • A greedy, selfish, grasping person who teaches the value of generosity?
  • A domineering person who teaches the beauty of humility?
  • An easily angered, irascible person who teaches the beauty of serenity?
  • A bitter person who teaches the beauty of love?

. . .Most likely not.

Many people can say, “I have taught you the truth” because of words they’ve uttered. But there is someone that can say, “I am the truth” because of the ways and manner in which he lived.

That someone is Jesus.

The truths he taught always were grounded in Love. Absolute, total, complete selfless Love.

How can we embody Truth in the way of Jesus?