Chasing Contentment

Chasing Contentment

What happens when we try to find contentment in short-lived ways and places? Instead of contentment, we find ourselves in a game that won't end. Join West Church LKN as we explore life lessons that can be learned from the Netflix sensationalized series Squid Game.
Prayer: Does it Work or Just Hocus Pocus?

Prayer: Does it Work or Just Hocus Pocus?

We are never truly finished becoming who we are. Prayer is a way to center ourselves in our spirituality, connect with God, and deepen our relationship with The Divine. Far too often we think it must consist of elaborate words and phrases, knowing the "right" things to say. We also tend to treat God like a giant vending machine. In this message series, we will explore what prayer is and practical ways to engage in meaningful and purposeful prayer. We will learn that prayer is merely presenting ourselves as fully present in the moment and then connecting at that moment with all that lies ...
Your Local Dive

Your Local Dive

In a time when “church” often is irrelevant, hypocritical, and offers no real pathways to help our lives be better, West Church LKN seeks to be relevant, non-threatening and focused on two main things – people and Love. in this series we explore what West Church LKN is all about, from our mission statement to the 6 core values. Engage in this series and find out that “church” really can be different from the negative stereotypes that exist towards “institutional religion.”


Changes . . . relevant and necessary but oftentimes difficult. Moving from COVID to a post-Covid world is challenging. At West, we talk about necessary changes and how embracing change can actually be a "good thing!"
Beyond Death

Beyond Death

Join Pastor Dr. Andrea Smith for a message series exploring Conversations Around Death, Dying and the Afterlife. We explore questions like “What happens to us when we die?”, “Where do we go after we die?”, “What do different faiths believe about death and the afterlife?”
Good Vibes

Good Vibes

Good Vibes . . . Energy is a real thing. Positive energy, negative energy. We give off energy and also receive energy from others. It may seem "New Age" but it also is very spiritual. Throughout this series we apply the principles from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. 1. Be Impeccable with Your Word. 2. It isn't always about you. 3. Don't make assumptions. 4. Always do your best. They are universal principles and we apply them to the realm of Christianity.
When the Smoke Clears

When the Smoke Clears

We live through times in our lives where the things we hold most dear blow up in our faces. Jobs lost, relationships ended, health problems arise. What do we do with these experiences? What is left of us after the smoke clears? Over the next three weeks, you will hear the true-life story of a German WWII survivor and how she not only lived through but used life's disasters to create a meaningful life full of joy, hope, peace, and love. The answer is found in one word: faith.
Look Up

Look Up

Look Up!  For where God is working. We're not going back to normal.  We are headed toward rebirth.  That's the promise of Easter.
Bio Revamp

Bio Revamp

Self-worth is not created, it is discovered. We all are people of great worth! And guess what?!?! We get to discover, cultivate, and perfect that worth in the image of God as revealed through Jesus Christ. What a great journey!!! Is that a lofty goal? To cultivate our images in that of Christ? No! Jesus was fully human, yet fully divine! Let's all "revamp our bios" so that we can perfect being the amazing people that we were created to be!
Valentine’s Day 2021

Valentine’s Day 2021

Why belong to a church? Many ask that. Check out this video and you will see a big reason why you may wish to consider joining a church. The collective dollars and countless volunteer hours that our members invest are changing our Lake Norman community and changing the world. Who is West Church? Pastor Andrea Smith describes it this way: "West is an amazing church . . . I'm pretty sure (and yes, I'm biased) that there isn't another West . . . 🙂 . . . we have our imperfections, but we own them and strive to keep being the church!"
That is Not What I Said

That is Not What I Said

Our mouths get us into trouble. We can be in the best place in our relationships and BAM! We say the wrong things or what we said is misconstrued. Our mouths make messes but they don't have to. In this message series we will explore our temperaments, what our strengths and growth areas are, and how we can all learn to communicate better so that our relationships are as great as they can be!