Unmasking Christmas

Unmasking Christmas

We live in a time and season when masks provide us with safety and protection! As we move into the Christmas (Advent) season, we wrestle with chaos, uncertainty, and hurdles to our being a people of joy and peace. Let us join together in unmasking ways the story of Bethlehem provides us with hope, peace, joy, and love. Darkness only lasts for a night . . . joy comes on Christmas morning!
The New Ripple Effect

The New Ripple Effect

Regardless of how bad things may be, new stories are waiting to take hold. We are called to work with God to create that new story.
bend… don’t break

bend… don’t break

There are times in our lives that we face storms. Transformation comes when we work through our pain. Have you ever noticed that when we face adversity we actually bend, but we don't break? Over the next several weeks we are going to explore biblical examples of people that have bent but didn't break. It's happened for centuries and it can happen for you!
Voices In My Head

Voices In My Head

We all have voices in our heads that cause us to behave in specific ways. We are going to explore our emotions and how they cause us to respond appropriately and sometimes even inappropriately. However, love paves the way for beautiful things.
Questions Alexa Can’t Answer

Questions Alexa Can’t Answer

There are difficult topics of faith that many wrestle with. Truthfully, questions that do not have absolute answers. Let's explore the foundation of these challenging topics in the eyes of faith.


Part of making our "Crib" the best it can be is having healthy relationships. In this message series, we will explore best practices to help us love one another extravagantly. Just like we are loved by Christ.


We all have things in our lives that get in the way of our experiencing true happiness. In this series explore what we need to "quit" so that we can be our best selves.
Things That Keep Us Up At Night

Things That Keep Us Up At Night

Whether it is the news, social media, our work, friends, school, or even church, it seems that everywhere we turn our world is filled with challenges and things that keep us up at night.