Freeing Jesus

He has the potential to be one of the most misunderstood individuals in the course of humanity. 

The “he” is Jesus. 

For thousands of years, humankind has added layer upon layer of man-conceived ideas and understanding upon the person Jesus of Nazareth. What began as a movement of love became an institution caged with doctrine, rigidity, and exclusivity. 

Through this series, we will explore new understandings of Jesus. Using his teachings, the context in which they were written, and historical explorations of how we got from “there” to “here,” we will examine developing a relationship with Jesus as friend, savior, teacher, the way, presence, and Lord. 

Enter into this discussion from any vantage point and explore developing a relationship with a radical revolutionary who turned the world upside down merely by leading in Love. 

The Misinformation Effect

West Church LKN has a different kind of Easter message for you! Take a look as we walk through the differences and inconsistencies in the Easter story in the gospels. Resurrection is new life, new ways of understanding, transformation. Angels are messengers sent from God. Who are the angels in your life?

Sixth Sense… Do You Feel That?

The promise Jesus gave to his followers before he was arrested and ultimately killed was that he would “be with them always”. That presence is offered to all people, it is also known as the Spirit.

Maze Runner

Christians have said “Jesus is the way” for centuries. It is based on the verse, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” -John 14:6. This is one of the most misunderstood and misused phrases of Jesus, ever! It is used to keep people “out” of faith instead of providing pathways “in.” May the maze and puzzle help us remember that Jesus provides us an individual relationship and pathway to life. Faith is a puzzle, but one we solve as steps in a journey, not a magic phrase.

Oh Lord

The word “Savior” only appears twice in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to describe Jesus. Why is it such a predominant focus of Western Christianity? We project our human propensities onto God. Humans function in such a “guilt based system.” Living in a world where everything is right or wrong, good or bad, and we judge things and people. Thus, we believe that's the nature of God. Why would humans want a savior that leads out of a guilt based system?

What Does Salvation Mean?

Watch this powerful message as Dero and Prosper from the West Church Uganda launch team share their testimonies. Look at how God is working through this partnership across the world!

Wax On Wax Off

As our knowledge of Jesus grows, we learn to see his life and teachings with new perspectives.

Friend or Foe?

This message we are discussing Jesus as our friend. What are some qualities of your first friend that you remember? What qualities drew you to them? Our most unconditional friendship is Jesus. True friendships are uncomplicated, full of trust, and easy! We were created as human beings to have deep friendships/relationships.