Devotions coincide with the current message series.  If you’d prefer to receive the devotions via email, click here.


What If to What Is

When I write it is similar to when I preach. Thinking about the meditations for much longer than it takes to sit down and type out the words. The whole process, the thinking, the planning, then the actual writing, is a sacred time and space. ...

Do you see the signs?

When King Ahaz found out that because he wouldn’t join in on Israel and Aram’s fight against Assyria, they were going to attack him/his kingdom, to say that he was afraid would be a giant understatement. “They were badly shaken. They shook ...

Black Holes and Hope

Black holes, some of the most enigmatic and fascinating phenomena in the universe, are far from being mere voids in space. Imagine a star ten times the mass of the Sun, compressed into an area as small as New York City—this is the essence of a ...

Remember when?

It was my last hurrah to remind my children that their childhood didn’t suck. Over the years as they were growing up, with both parents working, mealtimes were often a challenge. Our night meetings mixed with their sporting commitments and ...

Gratitude, Vision, and Generosity

We are in the beginning of our series leading up to Christmas, "Bright Spots,” remembering the promises of God that carry us through our journey and recognizing how these promises were revealed through the Christmas story. YOU are a bright ...

Magic Potion for Hope?

Hope can be built on the knowledge of promises. Fulfilled promises, that is. Think about it . . . What makes you believe a promise that is made? Prior knowledge of that person and situations. If someone has always done their best ...

You Better Not Pout, I’m Telling You Why . . .

I've been pouting. And dreading writing an article about gratitude because I was having a tough time finding words to be "motivational." First of all, I am apparently not designed for a career in sales. A few months ago Dawn made an amazing ...

“Would I be able to try to start Yoga Church?”

"Would I be able to try to start Yoga Church?" I'm not sure those were the exact words, but it was something like that uttered by Dawn Lynch years ago. She knew that the "vision" was there, but for some reason the staff assigned to carry out ...

The Next Kind Thing

As Hal Donaldson faced decisions about what his life was ultimately going to be like, his main focus was breaking the cycle of poverty. Thus, he decided to solve that issue with education. He became a successful journalist and at 29 was ...

Fish Assholes

Did you know that you can buy canned fish assholes? WHO would do that? Yesterday before gathering for  in-person worship, we sent out a text aksing folks to go to their pantry and bring a few cans of food for our backpack mission that is one ...

This week sucked. Sort of. Until I stopped and started to take it all in.

How do you deal with being rich? Yes - you are rich. I am rich. But - how do we deal with it? I'm not navigating it well. Never in my entire 52 years of existence have I lived through a week with so many varied moving pieces. It started ...

Killing Babies

Growing up, there was a season when I often woke up to hearing screams in the middle of the night from my father. He served in WWII, Korean Conflict (War), and Vietnam. He was a Master Seargeant, a tank commander, and a part of the 82 ...



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