It may sound corny, but it’s true.

“I’m blessed to be a blessing” . . . I have never been a huge fan of that phrase, but as corny as it may sound, it is pretty accurate. “There’s no way I can have faith in a God that would allow this to happen, to allow such pain.” If you haven’t...

“That’s YOUR problem! Just get over it!”

How far are you willing to go for your friend? Is there a limit to caring? To generosity? There once were some guys that wanted their friend to experience healing so much, they climbed on a roof, created a hole, and lowered him down so that he could be present in the...

This hurts me more than it hurts you!

“Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Ever heard that? Or . . . “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” Really, how can you be so sure? Most likely those phrases are some you’ve heard throughout life. If you lived in the days of “spanking” by one’s parents, the whole,...

Get Quiet in There!

When we are experiencing anxiety and worry, we have thoughts/voices running through our heads. What if we reframe those thoughts into prayer . . . what might happen? (Please note I am referring to the emotion and feeling of anxiety, not the medical condition of...