Coffee and Conversations Group

Coffee and Conversations Group

This all-ladies group will meet at the home of Grace Hartman at 10 AM on Wednesday, July 6, for a time of devotion, coffee, and conversations. Afterward, we invite you to join us for lunch! Click here for directions and to be added to text communications for the...

Sweeping It Under the Rug Is Never the Answer

Morning Meditation: Taking the High Road Years ago, we had a dog that, regardless of how many times he went outside to use the bathroom, LOVED using the bathroom on one particular rug. It was gross beyond measure. It was a tiny dog, so while the excrement was also...

“His Majesty” and Seeking Revenge

Morning Meditation: Revenge I could bank on my phone ringing about 8:30 am 3x a week as a colleague friend of mine was in the middle of a huge mess with a toxic employee. They were trying to figure out how to terminate the staff person because he simply was not doing...

Empathy Always Changes the Score

Morning Meditation: Empathy It was supposed to be a nice dinner: good people (they all went to the same church), good conversation. No drama. But before the evening could be called a success, an uninvited guest arrived. Her reputation preceded her! She was the town...

Sometimes Life Feels Like the 6th Grade Playground.

Morning Meditation: Empathy It was the weirdest thing. We were inseparable. Sixth-grade BFF’s that did everything together. Back in the dark ages, sixth grade was still a part of elementary school so the three of us, we were “it” – the “in crowd,” the...