Musing Meditation- The Danger of Using “I”

But when we rely on the power of God within us, we can accomplish everything. If you go to the book of Judges in Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and read the story of Gideon, you will see that he used the word “I” a lot. Gideon was a farmer by trade. He...

It was a complete debacle!

It was a complete debacle! We REALLY tried. Typically – this is what a Sunday message looks like for me. But Sunday . . . the staff and I, in an attempt to keep you engaged with the message and in keeping with our core values, we wanted to make sure that there...

We Can’t Rewrite History- a Devotion on Racism

When is the last time you were tired? I don’t mean you mowed the grass, sweated a little, and need a few minutes to regroup. I mean – just plain tired. Soul tired. Weary. Think of that time. Then, think about how respite came . . . what it felt like to be...

Seeing IS really Believing!

Robertson Davis said, “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Has anyone ever said to you, “You see what you want to see!” In my previous appointment one of my jobs was to do some introductory pastoral counseling with...

What are you willing to push for?

It was so crowded, the day we went to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem last year. Truly, you had to hold on to the shirt of the person in front of you at times to not be separated and get lost in the masses. We were guided to the top of the church because...