Just a little Patience and Curiosity . . .

Patience and Curiosity are the best paths forward We all know what it feels like to be hurt by someone who couldn’t listen long enough to understand us and where we are coming from. In their attempt to be right, they damaged the relationship when ultimately, taking a...

Do people want to go out to eat with you?

Advent Meditations “Forgiveness” Years ago, I served on a very large staff, and one thing we’d do to build community would be to go out to eat together every week after a staff meeting. Off we’d go, sporting our church staff apparel. The lunches became...

Digging For Gold: Finding Your Core Fear

Advent Meditations “Do Not Be Afraid” The American Counseling Association outlines a process of addressing and then deconstructing one’s core fear (called “digging for gold”). By working through this process, one can quickly and reliably reveal the core...

“No! I wasn’t angry!”

A while back I ended up in a huge debate with my therapist. “You were angry,” she said. “No, actually, I wasn’t angry at all. I was just sad.” “No, I’d encourage you to dig a little deeper with those feelings . . . yes, certainly you were sad, but you were also angry....

If I Can Do Just One More Thing. . .

If I do just this one more thing, then . . . . And you fill in the blank. Maybe it’s you hope to get the promotion at work. Make a higher grade on a test. Get the attention or win the affection of someone you are in a relationship with. Prove to someone how much you...