Jan 5, 2021
Strengths and Weaknesses That adage, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Well, that isn’t true. Words can hurt. Mainly because “they stick.” I’m sure if we are all honest with ourselves, we wrestle deep within because of words that...
Mar 30, 2020
Hope doesn’t disappoint. I had the privilege of being in conversation earlier today with someone whose “given up on church” but not spirituality. He was impressed with the fact that despite the circumstances we are all facing,...
Jan 16, 2019
1/16/19 Happy Wednesday! Yesterday 22 others and I boarded the plane for JFK and at midnight boarded the flight for Tel Aviv. While in the Holy Land I’ll be keeping a combination of written and video blog. You can find those on the theWest website and/or...
Jan 16, 2019
1/21/19 Happy Monday From Pan 1/20/19 1/18/19 Western Wall https://vimeo.com/312141192 Garden of Gethsemane https://vimeo.com/312141293 Teaching Steps https://vimeo.com/312141391 1/17/19 Shepherd’s Fields Holocaust Museum Walk of the Righteous 1/16/19-...