Kindergarten is usually a win for most kids! Especially the first few weeks of it because the teachers/staff really WANT you to be successful.

By week 3 of kindergarten, my parents and I had to attend a “called” parent/teacher conference.

“Mr. and Mrs. Fare, we really are struggling with Andrea because she is a disruption during nap-time. We’ve explained to her the importance of taking a nap, but she refuses to listen and obey the rules. This cannot continue or we are going to have to isolate her from the rest of the class and we’d hate to do that so early in the year.”

I remember that conversation vividly. I could tell by the looks on my parents’ faces they weren’t exactly happy with me, but even more than that, the fear of having to have nap-time all alone was life-altering to my five-year-old self.

How could I be separated from my friends? Nap-time was the PERFECT opportunity for conversation and fun!

After school that day my parents strongly urged (and threatened – ha!) me to “observe nap-time!” My instructions were clear – “Go to your assigned mat, be still, close your eyes, and no matter HOW BAD you want to, ‘DO NOT TALK!'”

Apparently, I just couldn’t grasp the concept because the only other memory I have of the whole “nap” situation is sitting at my little “table” all alone with everyone else lying on the floor around me.

I hated, hated, hated nap-time!

Why is it that as human beings we have a hard time learning to “rest” and “relax?”

Are we always afraid of missing out?

Are we anxious that we aren’t going to “get” that “one more thing?”

Part of revamping our bios this Lenten season begins with learning to let go and give up the things that are consuming us in negative manners.

We need to learn to “rest” and “relax” in the presence of The Divine, recognizing that whatever it is that we are holding onto too tightly is something we need to let go.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you Rev. Rick Warren’s acronym for “relaxing.” But before we get to that, I’d invite you to give it some serious thought today!

What is it you need to let go of so that you can relax and rest in the presence of God? What things are you struggling with right now that are keeping you from being your best self?

Identify them . . . and offer a prayer seeking peace from the things that wear you down, bringing you tiredness and causing you to be weary.

Matthew 11:28-30 | The Message

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”


Click below to watch the message relating to this “Musing Meditation.”

“Bio Revamp”

Time to Look In the Mirror/Finding Out Who You Really Are

When we understand what Christ does for us and will do, we can learn to rest, let our guard down, let go of the things that bring us stress and pain, and live in the goodness of God.

Why are we so resistant to rest?

It’s important to recognize this so that we can change it.

Watch this message to explore how we live lives of rest!