Recently, in prep for working on devotions for the upcoming message series, Unmasking Christmas, I grabbed a notebook. The front page had specs of the garage that was being built on the back of my lot, so I assumed that it was a notebook I had begun using relatively recently. 

Once I sat down to write, I noticed that multiple pages in the book had writing. And each subsequent page seemed to build on the previous one. Why I never finished one page, I’m not sure. But, ultimately each page contained lists of items I was going to donate to Goodwill upon the sale of my home. Finally, at the end of the notebook was the final compilation of the items.

That list was lengthy. I even remember when I finally put it all on paper feeling somewhat “generous” at my willingness to part with some pretty major items. In hindsight, I think it made me feel less guilty about getting “new” stuff if at least I was going to do something good with what I already owned. 

I needed to make room for the new that was coming! 

Have you ever experienced those thoughts/feelings? 

You are getting ready to purchase or acquire something new, so you take what you already have and give it away (or throw it away) to make room for what is yet to come? 

Advent – the four weeks leading up to Christmas, is a season of waiting and preparation. Preparing our hearts and lives for the gift that comes in the human embodiment of The Divine Love. 

We honor and celebrate this season every year! Not because of the physical calendar that leads up to the month of December each time the earth rotates on its axis. We celebrate it because we each have things that clutter and cloud our minds and hearts that need to be “cleaned out.” These things keep us from experiencing the lives of love, hope, peace, and joy we are designed to live because of the transformation/salvation available to us through the Christ child. 

  • What are the things/thoughts/feelings you need to “clean out” and “give away” today that will enable you to live life more fully?

  • What do you need to get rid of so that you can embrace and be filled with the new that is coming? 

In a time of meditation or prayer, offer those thoughts to God, letting them go and experiencing the salvation/transformation that comes from the gift of Love that comes at Christmas.