Anytime we are in a relationship with someone, there is a tendency over time for the initial feelings of affection and love to dwindle. The “routine” of the friendship or intimate relationship sets in and the emotion fades. What is important to remember is that that is not the culmination of love, but merely the beginning.
As we remain in love with others love remains and deepens. Its form changes as it renews itself in different ways. It draws energy and momentum from love itself – from the practice of conscious love, expressed in mutual servanthood to one another. That is the love that Jesus mirrored for us.
This love transforms our lives! It is through this love that we learn to reach out and touch the world!
Sometimes, however, it feels very difficult to stay in “touch” with this love . . .
The Apostle Paul gives us a glimpse as to how!
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
(1 Corinthians 13:7)
“Love bears all things.”
When we bear something, we hold it up. We sustain it. Think of it as a “bearing wall” that supports the weight of the house. When we bear with one another in love – we offer significant and strong support! A support that doesn’t waiver but instead can withstand significant pressure and weight.
“Bear” also means to give birth and be fruitful. So love that bears is life-giving and gives birth to even more love (joy, peace, and hope!)
Where in our lives can we offer a “bearing” kind of love? Where can we give that support and encouragement that holds difficult things?
And where can we be life-giving instead of life-taking from others that we love?
Are there people in your life that offer you a “bearing” kind of love?
If so, thank them today!