Opinion Polls

Have you ever been trying to decide about something, and in doing so you find yourself taking opinion polls? Rather than make the decision in a vacuum, you realize that another input is needed. So you ask different people the same question to get a feel for the right thing to do.

Watching an opinion poll happen in real time is fascinating, especially when you observe all the dynamics between the people.

If you don’t believe me, watch an episode of “Say Yes to the Dress.”

Future brides bring their entourage to give feedback while trying dresses. When Layne was young, that would be our “guilty pleasure” on Friday afternoons, observing the dynamics as daughters tried to find their “dream gown” amidst LOTS of opinions from others.

Want some entertainment? Watch this YouTube video on the “Top 10 Craziest Say Yes to the Dress Moments.” 

One bride visited 80 different stores before she decided on the perfect dress.

80 stores. In over 20 states.

The problem? Certainly, it could not have cost.

The problem was the opinion poll.

The poll of her mom.

Whether she wanted it or not, her mother had strong opinions. So strong that they caused the daughter to feel as if there would never be a “good find!”

They went to Kleinfeld as a last resort. Whether it was for the TV drama or real, the Kleinfeld staff asked the mom to tone it down a little so the bride could form her own opinion.

Opinions of others go both ways. To some, they matter a lot.

To others – very little.

Ever notice that Jesus did not take a poll on the decisions he made?

Not when it came time to feed the thousands on the hillside.

Nor when it came time to heal those who were hurting.

Nor when it came time to offer unconditional love and grace.

Do we act like Jesus? Do we offer unconditional love without the opinion poll?

Love’s only regret should be when it has nothing left to give.

“Let all that you do be done in love.”

(1 Corinthians 16:14).

Watch the message about “The Twists and Turns of Love Giving It’s All” from Sunday, March 5, by clicking here.