At some point, we are all going to fall.

At some point in our lives some event, person, death, idea, or relationship is going to enter our lives and we just aren’t going to be able to cope with the challenges of those situations with our current skill set. We are going to find ourselves floundering. We aren’t going to know where to turn, where to go, how to proceed, and how we find hope in the utter darkness.

We are going to find that knowledge we’ve obtained prior to this experience just isn’t going to be enough. Spiritually speaking, we are going to get to the edge and limit of what we know and how to cope and we are going to need new resources.

Jesus shows us in his death on the cross that we must lose at something in order to develop the art of winning in losing.

In his loss of life, he gained ultimate life.

We each have the opportunity to do the same.

The only way that we ultimately get to change, or as Richard Rohr calls it “the second half of life” . . . is to ultimately lose so that we can change, let go of our egocentric preoccupations, and go further and on the larger journey.

We MUST stumble and fall.

For when we are out of the driver’s seat we will learn how to give up control to the Real Guide/God.

It is when we get to the end of our private game plan that we learn to trust our real source.

Jesus called it the Living Water at the bottom of the well . . . and it is available for each of us today!

The question for each of us is are we willing to drink of that water today? Or do we stay in the darkness and walk away?

“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scriptures said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:37–39)